Metaverse Stake Pool Rules (Atlas Pool). It is a 10-day pool.

29 Mar 2022, 14:57
Metaverse Stake Pool Rules (Atlas Pool) 📌 It is a 10-day pool. 📌 Dynamic APY rate is available and this rate changes according to participation. 🔐RULES ✏️ From the moment you stake, the 10-day countdown timer will be activated and your lock period will begin. **If you harvest the accumulated rewards or add to the stake, the lock counter will reset and the 10-day lock period will start over. After 10 days the pool will be closed and Apy will be reset. However, those who are included later or who start the lock period from the beginning by adding will be able to leave the pool when the countdown is completed. Example: If you join the pool on the 9th day, you will benefit from apy for 1 day. To leave the pool, you must wait for the completion of 10 days. ✏️ If you want to exit the pool before the lock period expires, the earned tokens will be canceled and 40% of the total staked tokens will be deducted as an emergency fee. ✏️ There will be no right to participate in IDOs in this pool. ➡️➡️